
A term used by a friend last night at Margarita Fridays--a weekly meeting of friends at my local mexican bar--and it brought back memories of teenage mutant ninga turtles. Yet, so appropriate to how I feel after surfing through numerous blogs gleaming fresh news. 

Here is what I have learned this morning sipping earl grey tea from my sorority bid day mug:
  1. Stuff White People Like is another site I have discovered from reading the fabity-fab-fab New York Times blog The Medium. It is comical and SO TRUE! Even though it could be further narrowed as: Stuff Upper-Middle-Class to Upper-Class White People Like. In America, White means well-off? I guess. 
  2. Auction. I had no clue that the FCC was auction off the air waves! I feel like I should have known if the air space above me. Isn't that a health hazard or something? 
  3. Brit Brit has a stalker. I am not surprised at all. Crazy/Once-Crazy People attract other Crazies! 
  4. Linguistics. Everyone knows that colonialism launched the English language as the premier internet lingo. But sheer force by numbers--2/3 of the internet community doesn't speak English--asian languages are challenging the Crown's claim! Presenting--Engrish. A crazed English slang that appear to be from an illiterate native speaker but is actually from an educated Japanese person. This new lingo is popping up every where, but mainly on YouTube. This pigeon English has the roman letters of English but the writers' often misspelled words and eastern ideas mutate English into Engrish. Is Engrish the bridge between the colonial world and the technological world?


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