Bridal Showers

I have entered into adulthood and am attending a close friend's bridal shower today. Sigh. I never thought this day would come and it arrives with trepidation. The clan I claim is no longer happy-go-lucky sorority sisters; but alack, blushing brides longing for white weddings. 

What does this mean for me? Well, peer pressure aside, it means that weddings and engagements now constitute the conversation du jour among friends. She is engaged? Oh, I am so happy for her! or OH MY GOD! SHE is engaged?! She is such I whore. I have hated her since that one time she called me fat! Such are the musings of sisters.

So, today, with my roommate throwing a shower at her mother's house, I will attend my first real sorority shower. I will help serve fancy punch, participate in traditional games, and gossip about who is now fat, who is dating whom, and when is she going to get engaged. I must admit, I am often the subject of the last topic and I try at every turn to shirk off this question. I do not plan to become wed any time soon. But if my boyfriend--of four years--asks....well, who knows what I might say. 


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