
Writing this post is a tad surreal. But I am engaged. Even now as I say it, one of those silly smiles spreads on my face. AH! I am engaged! Yea! 

But right now I feel more inclined to talk about a conversation I had with my fiancee--Aaron--this morning. 

I goes without saying that I am a morning person. I struggle to stay asleep past eight when everyone else is blissfulling snoozing. But on the other hand, I often cannot stay up extremely late. Anyway, this fact will be more relevant in a second. 
So this morning, I flip on the teley and see that the Men's Finals of Wimbeldon is just starting. Aaron loves tennis and adores Wimbeldon even more. I think for a second about texting him, and then decide to just call him. Here is the conversation:

(The phone rings several times, I am sort of worried that he is a)not there or b)not waking up. Have I mentioned Aaron is not a morning person and he loves me anyway?)
A: (alert and focused) Hello?
S: (I realize I woke him up, sweet sounding voice ensues) Good morning, Baby.
A: (the sleep catches up when he realizes I am not in any danger, just awake) Oh, hey.
S: So I just turned on the tv and saw that Wimbeldon was on. And I thought I'd call you.
A:(even more sleeply sounding) oh, yea. I see. 
S: I was going to text you, but I figured I couldn't spell Wimbeldon without looking it up. And I just turned it on and thought of you. I thought you might like it.
A: That's why I love you.
S: Yeah? Because I thought of you or because I can't spell?
A: Both. 
S: Well, I love you too.
A: good. Um, Sarah. I think I am going to go.
S: Okay. (He was quite nice to talk with me when no one else is up, and he typically wouldn't be up at 7 am anyway) Well, I love you. 
A: I love you too. Talk to you later?
S: Yeah. Okay, go back to sleep. Love you. Bye!
(The phone hangs up)

So Aaron puts up with me calling to tell him about Wimbeldon and I often stay up late to hang out with Aaron--I don't stay up late in NYC b/c I don't have anyone to force me to stay awake. When midnight rolls around, I am toast. But anyway, I love him and am so happy he proposed. I could think of no one else to spend my life with. sigh.

I am seeing everyone on Friday--I will see Aaron on Thursday--to celebrate Laura's wedding!! Yea!  If you remember other posts, some weddings make me a little sick. Others like Laura and Kevin's makes me happy. You would have to know Laura and her drunken exercises to understand. 

Okay, that is all. I will proceed to work stuff now.


Laura said...

Yay! Congratulations on your engagement! And thanks for posting! ; ) I read your previous blog posts about all your friends getting engaged and/or married and totally in the same boat. I'm so happy for you that now you can join them!

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